Submission Guidelines

What  We Need

We are always looking for new and established authors who would like to contribute to our site. Our audience is primarily female, so keep that in mind when submitting. The story does not have to be about females, however.
We accept most genres including: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Horror, General Fiction, Romance, Paranormal, and Creative Non-Fiction. Sorry no fiction, poetry, or erotica. We publish stories Rated R with an appropriate warning.
Stories should be between 250-7500 words. Well-crafted flash fiction is always welcome. Chapter or novel excerpts also accepted if they are from your own book. You must own all rights to your submission. Previously submitted works are accepted as long as you retain all rights.
You will still retain all rights to your work after publishing with Fiction Divas.
How to Submit:
Please email your submission to April Aaseim at
Please use this format in subject heading: FD Submission - Story Name - Author Name
You may write a two line sentence about the author to be included at the end of your story. You can also include a larger bio for inclusion in our Authors tab. You can place links to your books, website, blog etc in either of these sections. You can also include a small pic of yourself for our Author tab.
Once a story has been selected for inclusion on our site, the author will be emailed with further directions.
Some of the reasons your story may not be accepted include:
Length of story (too short or too long)
Inappropriate for audience
Poor grammar, spelling, punctuation etc. Please edit before sending.
Strong R rating (some sex and violence okay)
Not right for our site.
Sorry there is no compensation at this time, but you will be able to advertise in our About the Author section and link to books for sale, etc. You will also be able to list your free ebook downloads in our tabs section for any month you contribute.
We will offer advertising opportunities in the Spring of 2013. More information to come.
Cheers and Happy Writing!

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